Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To blog or not to blog…

In the past few years, I have rarely blogged. I found that there was little to no time…or all I had to talk about were my little frustrations or random thoughts during the day. But over time, I’ve realized- that’s kinda what keeps the day interesting. Those little thoughts and feelings are what make each day different instead of same thing, different day. In the interest of keeping my brain moving, I’ve decided to refresh my blog for my own benefit. Additional benefit to anyone else is purely accidental but fully welcome!

Purely fascinated with the happenings of everyday life.

I always wondered how people had time to create these lavish pages with dramatic graphics and pictures when I barely have time to write a note. Even with the invention and then my adoption of my favorite gadget- my blackberry- I still find it difficult to type out a whole email. My thumbs don’t seem to have that kind of stamina. But still, I’m grateful to have the option to text and email while on BART during the frequent delays…or just on a normal morning commute. I find it’s sometimes the only time I have time to do these things….but even then the train often lulls me to sleep. Zzzzzz.

So what’s the topic of the day? It’s Monday, so I guess I’d wanna look at- what’s up for this week? Well, currently, I find that this week is mainly free to do what I want. I’ve got some things already set- a dinner with friends, possibly visiting a different friend, dance class, and a party on the weekend. But that’s a considerably free week for me. I’ve decided I am hearing the call to some domestic duties (and the cry from my bedroom from all the clothes piled on every piece of furniture in there. It’s amazing how great it feels to get some loads of laundry done. But then piles of clean clothes can sit there for days on end sometimes. Then the clean begins to encroach on the ‘not sure if they’re clean’ piles then the mess grows exponentially…. I guess then the laundry isn’t technically done if you don’t put it away…I think I hate that part the most. I suppose this topic could definitely be for a different day haha.) Anyhoo, it’s time for a bit of domestic overhaul. It’s amazing how some people can keep their house so consistently clean during the week. I find that I can barely find time to cook a meal, let alone clean the place and utensils need for cooking a meal. But I need to find time. I think my dishes have been letting out a cry of their own….sigh.